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Appendix One: Groups and Organizations

Gun Control Groups

  1. Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV)
    and the Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence (Ed Fund)

    1000 16th Street, NW
    Suite 603
    Washington, DC 20036
    Telephone: (202) 530-0340
    Web site:

    The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization founded in 1974 as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns. CSGV is a coalition of national religious, professional, educational, and public health organizations that endorses banning the sale and private possession of handguns in America. Founded in 1979, the Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence is the 501(c)(3) educational arm of the Coalition. The Ed Fund operates the Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse, which maintains a database of depositions and court documents of firearm-related cases.

  2. Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI)
    and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV)

    1225 Eye Street, NW
    Suite 1100
    Washington, DC 20005
    Telephone: (202) 898-0792
    Web site:

    Handgun Control, Inc. (HCI) was founded in 1974 by Mark Borinsky, who was later joined by Nelson T. "Pete" Shields. Shields founded the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV) in 1983, which is the education, legal advocacy, and research affiliate of HCI. CPHV's national initiatives include prevention programs for parents and youth and legal representation for gun violence victims. In 1985 Sarah Brady, wife of White House Press Secretary James Brady, joined the organization as its primary spokesperson and in 1989 succeeded Shields as chairperson. In 1989 James Brady joined his wife in battling for the HCI flagship bill named in his honor.

  3. Violence Policy Center (VPC)
    1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW
    Suite 825
    Washington, DC 20036
    Telephone: (202) 822-8200

    The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is a 501(c)(3) educational organization founded in 1988. The VPC: conducts research on the gun industry, firearms violence, and federal regulatory approaches; develops public policy options and offers analysis of violence-reduction proposals; conducts public education activities through the news media and other organizations; educates policymakers and opinion leaders; and, builds working coalitions with organizations not traditionally part of the firearms violence debate.

Government Agencies

  1. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
    650 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20226
    Telephone: (202) 927-7777

    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is a law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Treasury. ATF enforces the federal laws and regulations relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, and arson by working directly and in cooperation with federal, state, local, and international law enforcement.

  2. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
    National Center for Justice Research Statistics (NCJRS)

    810 7th Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20531
    Telephone: 1-800-732-3277

    The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), a component of the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice, is the United States' primary source for criminal justice statistics. BJS collects, analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. Annually, BJS publishes a document that presents findings of major BJS statistical series, describes BJS data collection programs, and summarizes programs to help states and localities to develop automated information systems.

  3. National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    1600 Clifton Road, NE
    Atlanta, GA 30333
    Telephone: (404) 639-3311

    The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is located in Atlanta, Georgia, and is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. The primary responsibilities of CDC include: detecting and investigating health problems; conducting research to enhance prevention; and, developing and advocating sound public health policies.

  4. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
    935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20535-0001
    Telephone: (202) 324-3000

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice. At present, the FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes. The FBI is also authorized to provide other law enforcement agencies with cooperative services, such as Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Information Center.

  5. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
    6525 Belcrest Road
    Hyattsville, MD 20782
    Telephone: (301) 436-8500

    The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NCHS is the federal government's principal vital and health statistics agency. NCHS data systems include data on vital events as well as information on health status, lifestyle and exposure to unhealthy influences, the onset and diagnosis of illness and disability, and the use of health care. NCHS is located in Hyattsville, Maryland, with offices in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia.

Pro-Gun Groups

  1. American Shooting Sports Council (ASSC)
    9 Perimeter Way, Suite C-950
    Atlanta, GA 30339
    Telephone: (404) 933-0200

    The American Shooting Sports Council (ASSC) is the self-described "organized voice of the firearms industry" and was established in 1989 to "take pro-active steps to enhance the industry's ability to do business..., improve the public perception of the industry as a whole, and...provide a viable voice in the hearings preceding debate of statutes affecting the industry." Its slogan is "As Pro-Gun as Our Customers."

    The statute affecting the industry that resulted in ASSC's formation was a partial federal assault weapons ban sponsored by former Senator Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) in 1989. Believing that none of the traditional pro-gun organizations were effectively defending the manufacturers of such weapons, the ASSC was formed as "the only voice in the Capital that lobbies specifically for our industry." Its promotional material promises that "as a sophisticated registered lobby organization, ASSC monitors legislative trends and proposals at every level of government. We ACT BEFORE legislation is passed or opinions formed. We are Pro-active not Re-active!"

    Headed by Richard Feldman, a former National Rifle Association state lobbyist, the ASSC claims 17,000 members including manufacturers of firearms and accessories, as well as gun dealers and wholesalers.

  2. Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA)
    and Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)

    James Madison Building
    12500 NE Tenth Place
    Bellevue, WA 98005
    Telephone: (206) 454-4911 (CCRKBA)
    Telephone: (206) 454-7012 (SAF)

    The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization founded in 1974 by conservative activist Alan Gottlieb "to defend the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and to provide aid and information to individuals throughout the Nation seeking to maintain the right to keep and bear arms." The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is the 501(c)(3) educational arm of CCRKBA and was founded by Gottlieb in 1974. Periodicals owned by SAF include Gun Week and Women & Guns magazine.

  3. Gun Owners of America (GOA)
    8001 Forbes Place
    Suite 102
    Springfield, VA 22151
    Telephone: (703) 321-8585

    Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization formed in 1975 to "preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights" of gun owners. Associated with GOA are: Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund, Gun Owners of California, and The Gun Owners Foundation.

  4. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
    2872 S. Wentworth Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53207
    Telephone: (414) 769-0760

    Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) was founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman. The organization works to "expose the propaganda and myths used by all anti-gunners, but particularly by some Jewish anti-gunners." The key to JPFO's argument is the allegation that America's gun control laws are taken literally from the gun control laws of Nazi Germany and that gun control, by definition, leads to genocide.

  5. National Rifle Association (NRA)
    11250 Waples Mill Road
    Fairfax, VA 22030-7400
    Telephone: (800) 672-3888

    The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is the best known and most powerful organization working against firearm restrictions in America. The NRA is a 501(c)(4) lobbying organization with an estimated 2.8 million members that describes itself as "the foremost guardian of the traditional American right to `keep and bear arms.'" The NRA's 1995 revenue totaled $145 million and the organization ended that year with a deficit of $51 million. The NRA's Institute for Legislation Action (ILA) advocates "against federal and state gun legislation to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the rights of the individual American citizen to acquire, possess, transport, carry and enjoy the right to use arms." The NRA reported ILA's 1995 budget as more than $12 million. Other related NRA organizations include the NRA Special Contribution Fund, International Shooter Development Fund, American Firearms & Shooting Foundation, Firearms Civil Rights Legal Defense Fund, National Firearms Museum Fund and The NRA Foundation.

  6. National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)
    and Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI)

    11 Mile Hill Road
    Newtown, CT 06470-2359
    Telephone: (203) 426-1320 (NSSF)
    Telephone: (203) 426-4358 (SAAMI)

    The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is the leading trade association of the firearms industry. The NSSF was formed in 1961 as a non-profit communications and marketing organization that manages a variety of programs designed to promote a better understanding of the shooting sports, as well as encourage participation in the shooting sports. In 1983, the NSSF created the Women's Shooting Sports Foundation (WSSF). In addition to NSSF support, WSSF receives funding from the NRA and such manufacturers as Browning Arms and Winchester.

    NSSF executive director Bob Delfay is also the executive director of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI). Founded in 1926, SAAMI was originally created to deal with standards and specifications for firearms and ammunition. In the 1990s SAAMI began to "take on an expanded role in legislative and media relations."

Where did you get that?

   Five Publications Every
   Advocate Needs

   Firearms Violence - General
   Firearms Homicide
   Firearms Homicide and
   Domestic Violence
   Firearms Homicide in
   the Workplace
   Firearms Suicide

   Suicide Among Older

   Unintentional Firearm-Related
   Nonfatal Firearm-Related Injuries
   Costs of Firearms Violence
   Firearms and Crime
   Firearms Ownership,
   Concealed Carrying, and
   Self-Defense Use
   Firearms Industry - General
   Licensed Dealers

   Marketing Firearms to
   Women and Youth

   Appendix One: Groups
   and Organizations

   Appendix Two: Understanding
   and Using Statistics

All contents © 1998 Violence Policy Center